Thursday, January 30, 2020

Designing a Safer Passenger Aircraft Essay Example for Free

Designing a Safer Passenger Aircraft Essay Aircrafts have become more advanced and fast, but they are drastically affected by ignorance and design incapability. However these structures can fly with more than 200 passengers and heavy cargo, but when they crash, they take away with them many lives and damage valuable property. To prevent such loses several aviation safety agencies like EASA(European Aviation Safety Agency) and FAA(Federal Aviation Administration) have been functioning. These agencies implement and monitor safety rules for aircrafts. They also certify and approve organizations involved in the design, manufacture and maintenance of aeronautical products. Safety of an aircraft depends on every smallest possible detail of it. For designing a safer passenger aircraft a lot of investigation has to be done on flight failures, to prevent such failures. There are four main aspects considered while designing an aircraft: Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Structures and materials, Stability and control. An overview on the design of a fixed wing aircraft: The structure of an aircraft is configured as follows: A fuselage is a long cylindrical body with tapered ends to make its shape aerodynamically smooth. Fuselage carries flight crew, passengers, payload, fuel and engine. Fuselage also holds a large wing which provides sufficient lifting force to the aircraft due to the shape of its cross section (aerofoil). This large wing has ailerons to control rolling motion. The vertical stabilizers present at the rear end of the aircraft, stabilizes the yaw motion and horizontal stabilizers stabilizes the pitch. Elevators are mounted to the horizontal stabilizers and it controls the pitch of the aircraft. Engines provide the trust required for the aircraft. The landing gear is a set of wheels that supports the plane on ground. Control system of an aircraft: Yoke controls the pitch and roll motion of an aircraft. Rudder pedals control the rudder and thus it controls the motion about the yaw axis. Throttle lever controls the thrust produces by each engine and brakes slow or stop the airplane on ground. There are controls for flaps and spoilers. A tiller is used to steer the plane on ground. An automatic flight management system helps pilot in maintaining altitude or mode of flight. Analysis of investigation reports of some airplane crashes and preventive measures in design: A Pilatus aircraft crashed near Bert Mooney airport in July, 2011 due to loss of control. Investigation reports showed that there was icing within the fuel system causing low fuel pressure state as fuel system icing inhibitor was not added to the fuel before flight. All jet fuels contain trace amounts of water that form crystals and block the fuel system. Icing inhibitors decrease the freezing point to about -40? C preventing water from freezing. Some chemical detector can be introduced that could detect the concentration of icing inhibitors present in the fuel. An alarm can also be added to the electronic system of the aircraft which will remind the pilot of adding icing inhibitors while refueling. Aircrafts flying in cold weather develop icing on wings which greatly impair wings ability to generate sufficient lift. Air Florida flight crashed on take-off in January, 1982 as a result of ice on its wings. Modern airliners are designed to prevent accumulation of ice on wings, engines or tails either by routing heated area towards icing or by using inflatable rubber tubes that expand and break off any accumulated ice. Similar method can be used in the design or the accumulated ice can also be removed by sending small amplitude vibrations to the accumulated area. A Boeing cargo airplane experienced ground fire before engine start-up at San Francisco International airport. Investigation blames the design of the supplemental oxygen system hoses and the lack of positive separation between electrical wiring and electrically conductive oxygen system components. The lack of positive separation allowed a short circuit to breach a combustible oxygen hose, release oxygen, and initiate a fire. This can be taken care of in the design and either separation between the oxygen hoses and wiring can be increased or insulation of wiring can be made more strong. Composite materials used in structure of an aircraft consist of layers of fibers embedded in a resin matrix. These layers separate from each other when subjected to cyclic stress and they lose strength. This failure is not shown on the surface. An amphibian plane suffered a structural failure in Florida. The right wing of the aircraft separated during normal flight due to lack of maintenance. Ultrasound based instrument method is used to detect such failures in designing a safer aircraft. As in Air France Concorde crash case, pilot detected fire very late. Installation of video cameras at critical places can be a preventive measure as pilot will be able to keep a watch on plane if there is no other failure detecting mechanism. During high speed landing or take-off extreme pressure and heat build-up in tyres and in such conditions tyres burst. This is equivalent to explosion of 4-5 dynamites. This could damage the fuel tank or engines and even initiate a fire. Some cooling mechanism within tyres can be used to prevent such conditions of high temperature and pressure. Above safety concerns and all other governing factors can be considered to design a safer passenger aircraft. Apart form these problems foreign object debris, positive lightning, bird strike, volcanic ash can also be taken care of while designing an aircraft. Ground based navigation aids can also be improved by improving GPS systems and some backup modes of communication may help in significant reduction in air crashes due to lack of information and misleading.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

An analysis of how dikh (‘justice’) and its associated values are Essay

An analysis of how dikh (‘justice’) and its associated values are presented and translated in two passages from Sophocles: Electra. What broader issues are raised and how would these be investigated further? The concept of dikh, or ‘justice’ has many subtle meanings and variations in Ancient Greek ranging from the primary definition given in LS (Liddell and Scotts, ‘Greek-English Lexicon’, Intermediate, 1889, page 202) of custom to right, judgement, lawsuit, penalty and vengeance. The OCD (Hornblower S, Oxford Classical Dictionary, 1996, Page 469) reference to Likh describes it as the, ‘personification of justice’ and the daughter of Zeus that, ‘reports men’s wrongdoing to Zeus’. Sophocles’ rendition of the tragic play Electra forms a useful focal point for the analysis of how dike and its associated values are presented and translated. As Kitto (Kitto, H.D.F, ‘Greek Tragedy’, 1997, Routledge Page 131, Section 4) pointed out, this play’s, ‘central problem is a problem of ‘dikh’ (‘Justice’). The play itself examines both the desire for justice by the children of the murdered Agamemnon as well as the arguments of justice by his wife (Clytaemnestra for his murder). All of this takes place under the watchful eye of Apollo, the God of both reason and prophecy, both of which play a part in the story that is told. The first extract is that of the argument between Clytaemnestra and Electra (Sophocles, Translator Watling, E.F., ‘Electra and other plays’, pg 84-56, lines 518-543) concerning her justification for the murder of Agamemnon. In this extract we are presented with a selection of references to justice and how Clytaemnestra explains how she was right in her murder of her husband. At line 518 (Ibid.,) she complains at her portrayal as ‘an unjust tyrant’, presumably implying that she was not within her right or custom to kill him. Between lines 524-526 (Ibid.,) she says that justice and duty are tied together and that her duty was to seek justice whilst Electra failed in this area. At line 535 (Ibid.,) she says, ‘why should he not be brought to justice for killing what was mine?’. In modern terms this could be considered simple revenge, or dikhn. She is does not justify her action because of tradition or precedent, purely because he took something of hers. In lines 539-541 (Ibid.,) she argues that Agamemnon love might ... ... study ties in perfectly with the idea of moral dilemmas, duty and especially justice. In ‘Electra’ we find our idea of our own values and those of the period to be challenged, this study may assist here. Williams. B, ‘Moral Luck’, 1981, Cambridge Williams. B, ‘Problems of the self’, 1973, Cambridge Williams. B, ‘Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy’, 1985, Cambridge Williams’ work covered a wide range of ethical and morals areas and his research is relatively recent. ‘Moral Luck’, though not directly related will almost certainly have a few useful ideas concerning fate and possibly justification. Plato, Translator Guthrie, W.K.C. ‘Protagoras and Meno’, 1956, Penguin Books Plato discusses the idea of virtue in great depth in the ‘Protagoras’ and this could shed further light on the ideas of virtue, honour, duty and possibly justice. Aeschylus, Translator Fagles, R, ‘The Orestia’, 1977, Penguin Books Euripides, Editor Ferguson, J , "Medea and Electra", 1987, Bristol Classical Press Another version of the story of Electra would be of great use, especially by another tragedian, in this case Euripides. This version is written as more of a melodrama.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Benefits of British Rule

Brett Fields World History II Section 003 Professor Haug India was a British colony in the 18th century between 1858 and 1947, the Indian solders assisted the British to conquer India, and they were however mistreated at the hands of their colonizers and denied higher positions which they were qualified for. This was a strategy used by the colonizers to ensure that they maintain control and power over the natives. Moreover Indians were traded as slaves to other British colonies where they provided free labor which enhanced the growth of the Britain economy.In the process of exploiting India, the British improved the transport system through construction of roads and railways to ease the transportation of manufactured goods such as textiles and machines. The improved transport system eased the movement of goods and people and improved. People were able to access the market easily and it led to the spread of trade. The judicial system was improved through establishment of law courts wh ere disputes and cases could be settled amicably.In order to incorporate democracy, schools and universities were established, since the native only spoke in their mother tongue, they had to be taught English for easier communication. Christianity was also introduced by the missionaries, who also did some translation of the bible to the native Arabic languages. British rule in India had both benefits and detriments to the citizens. To start with the benefits experienced included:The Indians had a practice of burying their widows alongside their husband’s corpse.They could be tied to a pile to prevent them from running away, a practice termed; â€Å"concremation†, the British outlawed the practice and introduced a rule where the Hindu widows could be remarried. Schools and universities were introduced; this assisted the natives to obtain an education which would play a role of helping them increase their knowledge and hence led to better equipped individuals who were to improve their countries economy.The improved civilization helped reduce oppression caused by the rulers. There was freedom of speech, association which ensured justice prevailed among the natives. Democracy was introduced such that Indians had an opportunity to select their leaders. There was increase in exports with the improved transport system, goods such as tea, indigo were transported to other countries which ensured that they earned foreign exchange and lead to improved economy.The Indians were issued with loans from England. This money was used in constructing railways to ease transport and in irrigation of the plants Despite all these benefits the native Indians also faced some detriments on the other hand, these included: Indians were denied political positions; the British believed the admission of natives to high offices must be effected slowly. This was to protect their interests and power over the Indians such that they could not be overthrown.As Macaulay puts it; â₠¬Å"Propter vitam vivendi perdere causas,†[â€Å"To lose the reason for living, for the sake of staying alive†]. Many are the times when the British breached the promises and pledges made to the native on their inclusion to the governance of the county. New modes of taxations were devised, but the natives never had the means to raise the money to be paid as tax. This was an exploitative move by the Britons; it increased the inequitable financial relation between England and India.The British established a textileindustry in Britain and would buy wool at a cheaper price from India manufacture clothes and sell them to the Indians at an expensive price. This exploitation lead many Indians being unemployed. On the contrary the Britain economy improved greatly, on account of the materials from India. The British’ main role in India was to bring civilization to the people. They did this by establishing schools and universities where the locals improved their knowledge.W ith education came the need to do away with some of the traditions which were detrimental to the society well-being. Widows were not required to marry again after the demise of their husbands There was creation of social amenities such as health centers and hospitals which in general helped reduced the number of deaths greatly as the people could seek medical attention from the hospitals as opposed to other traditional methods which were less effective.The transport system was also improved by construction of roads and railway lines. This eased the movement of people from one place to another as they took part in trade. Certain industries were set up, which provided employment opportunities and increased the amount of goods available to be transported as exports. The missionaries visited India during this colonial period and introduced Christianity to the Indians. Since they had to learn how to read the bible, they went to school and got he necessary skills which would later be requ ired as some of them became clergymen. They also used the knowledge acquire in bible translation to help spread the gospel to the natives were not conversant with the English language. The British aimed to reduce the dependency of the natives; this was a selfish move as they only targeted the improvement of their economy. Most Indians knew only their vernacular language; as such it was hard for them to be educated by use of their mother-tongue.They were taught a foreign language; English which eased the communication especially in the schools, since the tutors were of British origin. Some translations of the books were made to the Sanscrit and Arabic dialect which were the common native languages. Indian writers Dadabhai Naoroji and Raja Rammohan Roy have given an opinion as to how they viewed the British rule in the 18th century. Both of them agree that through the British rule, India has developed, despite the developments observed, they also enumerate some weaknesses accustoming the colonization period.Dadabhai Naoroji appreciates what the British did for his country as he clearly states in his summary: â€Å"the British rule has been: morally, a great blessing; politically, peace and order on one hand, blunders on the other; materially, impoverishment, relieved as far as the railway and other loans go. â€Å" He appreciates the effort done to improve an otherwise dwindling economy. As Naoroji summarized the benefits; â€Å"A slowly growing desire of late to treat India equitably, and as a country held in trust. Good intentions. No nation on the face of the earth has ever had the opportunity of achieving such a glorious work as this.I hope in the credit side of the account I have done no injustice, and if I have omitted any item which anyone may think of importance, I shall have the greatest pleasure in inserting it. I appreciate, and so do my countrymen, what England has done for India, and I know that it is only in British hands that her regeneration c an be accomplished†, it can clearly be alluded that he was in full support and appreciation of what the Britons did to improve his country India. Raja Rammohan Roy studies extensively the practice of burning widows alive.He gives a defense on why women should not be considered as the inferior gender if they are not given an equal opportunity as their male counterparts as he outlines; â€Å"If, after instruction in knowledge and wisdom, a person cannot comprehend or retain what has been taught him, we may consider him as deficient; but as you keep women generally void of education and acquirements, you cannot, therefore, in justice pronounce on their inferiority. † Many accusations are thrown at women which Roy considers as injustice as he enumerates in his article, these accusations do not have any basis whatsoever as he advocates for them to be disregarded.Roy in regard to marriage arrangement had this objective: â€Å"with respect to their subjection to the passions, this may be judged of by the custom of marriage as to the respective sexes; for one man may marry two or three, sometimes even ten wives and upwards; while a woman, who marries but one husband, desires at his death to follow him, forsaking all worldly enjoyments, or to remain leading the austere life of an ascetic. † In their defense, Roy saw it not fair for a man to have many wives and fail to provide for her and her children.In such situations the woman would rely on her brothers and father for the children upkeep. Where a husband takes two or three wives to live with him, they are subjected to mental miseries and constant quarrels. The benefits outweigh by far the detriments brought about by the British rule. It has improved the Indian economy greatly in all sectors that is; politically, socially, economically. The Indian authors seem to support this fact as they seek ways in which they can reduce the negative effects. References Bose, Sudhindra. Some aspects of British ru le in India,. Iowa City: The University, 1916.Embree, Ainslie Thomas. Charles Grant and British rule in India. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. Eraly, Abraham. India. New York, N. Y. : DK Pub. , 2008. Mahajan, Vidya Dhar, and Savitri Mahajan. British rule in India and after,. 6th ed. New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. Martineau, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch.. London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt. Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Bose, Sudhindra.Some aspects of British rule in India,. Iowa City: The University, 1916. [ 2 ]. Martineau, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch.. London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. Bose, Sudhindra. Some aspects of British rule in India,. Iowa City: The University, 1916. [ 3 ]. Martinea u, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch.. London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. [ 4 ]. Martineau, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch.. London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. [ 5 ]. Martineau, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch..London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. [ 6 ]. Mahajan, Vidya Dhar, and Savitri Mahajan. British rule in India and after,. 6th ed. New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. [ 7 ]. Mahajan, Vidya Dhar, and Savitri Mahajan. British rule in India and after,. 6th ed. New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. [ 8 ]. Mahajan, Vidya Dhar, and Savitri Mahajan. British rule in India and after,. 6th ed. New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. [ 9 ]. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt. Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. [ 10 ]. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt.Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. [ 11 ]. Eraly, Abraham. India. New York, N. Y. : DK Pub. , 2008. [ 12 ]. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt. Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. [ 13 ]. Embree, Ainslie Thomas. Charles Grant and British rule in India. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. [ 14 ]. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt. Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. [ 15 ]. Eraly, Abraham. India. New York, N. Y. : DK Pub. , 2008.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Information Security It Risk Management - 1795 Words

ITC 596 - IT Risk Management Professor: Michael Baron Table of Contents 1. Information security is Information risk management 3 2. Information Security Risk Assessment: The Qualitative Versus Quantitative 5 3. Perception of Risk 7 Reference 9 1. Information security is Information risk management Introduction The present Information Security technology seems insufficient to totally deal with all the ICT problems of the organization. As per Bob Blakley, Ellen McDermott and Dan Geer, the present security technology available doesn’t reduce the risk very effectively (Blakley, McDermott, Geer, 2002). A need is imminent to totally revamp the approach if the Organizations aspire to deal effectively with the problem. Information Security is essential because the technology used for processing data and generating information creates risks. Description From the business organizations point of view, Risk is an event with probability of occurring between zero to one and the effect of such event happening would be an amount of diminution of the business value. As per Bob Blakely et al, Cost of Risk is measurable in terms of Annualized Loss Expectation (ALE) - which is the expected cumulative cost of risk over a period of a year as estimated in advance. Business Organizations manage risk through mechanisms such as liability transfer, indemnification, mitigation, and retention. Once the information risk is sufficiently known,Show MoreRelatedInformation Security and Risk Management1473 Words   |  6 Pagesactivity. 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All Rights Reserved. -73- Change Date: 05/25/2011 Unit 1 Assignment 1: Application of Risk Management Techniques Learning Objectives and Outcomes You will be able to identify different risk management techniques for the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure and apply them under different situations. Assignment Requirements Introduction: As discussed in thisRead MoreAn Evaluation of Information Security and Risk Management Theories1903 Words   |  8 PagesAn abundance of information security and risk management theories are prevalent; however, it can be difficult to identify valid and applicable theories. In the reading to follow, several information security and risk management theories are evaluated. These theories are presented and employed via various frameworks, models, and best practice guidelines. 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